Oh how I miss the days of going to people’s homes, meeting their sweet families, and capturing these joyous moments with their new additions. But the great news is, my editing queue makes me feel like I’m right there all over again, so it doesn’t feel so far away! I loved this morning last fall with the Currie Family and their newest babe, Olivia. Katie is a local favorite jewelry designer and I was a big fan of her work long before I met her. She brought her signature effortless style to her entire home so each room felt like a reflection of her aesthetic: beauty, peace and grace. A few years ago, I started a personal project of setting aside specific time in each session to create soft and timeless portraits to pay homage to motherhood. Of course, Katie and Olivia made this extraordinarily easy and as a photographer it was just a joy to capture. Hope y’all enjoy!
Chapman Family / Houston Heights, TX /
The Chapmans are a family of five beautiful people who are oh so near and dear to my heart. I always leave sessions with them feeling uplifted and excited to get our moments loaded onto my computer. I came to be their family photographer years ago when their second born, Will, was a newborn, and consistently their sessions stick in my memory as some of the sweetest and most special. As I tell every family, going from 2 to 3 babies is a game changer for a photo shoot. In short, expect nothing but chaos, haha. You’re outnumbered, it’s going to be a circus, there’s no avoiding it. The good thing is, chaos is my favorite to document! It means more reality, and that’s exactly the sweet spot I find the most joy in documenting family life. And the greatest thing about a shoot with the Chapmans, is that Laura and John are always down to roll with the chaos, hence why we consistently capture so many great moments during our sessions. If I could give anyone one tip for a family session, it’s just. keep. smiling. Your kids are probably not going to cooperate 98% of the time and that’s totally expected. But sometimes a child’s cries actually look like a smile on camera, so as long as you’re smiling too, it can be an incredible capture. And if it does indeed translate to look like a crying face, it’s still probably pretty golden. Just lean in. Big thank you to Laura, John, and your three gorgeous babies for just being the best. I truly mean it when I say that our sessions are one of the highlights of my year each year. Big love to y’all!
Liedtke Family / Houston, TX /
I've been photographing families for a lot of years, 7 to be exact. And I've come to learn that some shoots are just special. The light, the colors, the good mood of the babies, the love of the parents (for their children and each other), all just collide and create a magic far beyond anything I could ever manipulate into being. This was one such shoot for me. Twins shoots are usually chaotic and filled with alternating moments of fussiness, but little Liv and Elle didn't cry once in our entire session. Then when you throw in two adorable doodles, model-good-looks from Devon and Taylor - I thought my camera was going to break from all the beauty. This entire session was shot in their nursery (with exception of a brief outdoor moment) because the light was just TOO. GOOD. Thanks to the Liedtkes for being so super cool, relaxed and overall just really fun to spend the morning with!
Get some adorable photo of your little sweetheart just in time for Valentine's Day! There are only 8 slots available and all sessions will take place at The West Studios! Photos will be taken on the super sweet pink backdrop. The session includes:
- 15 minutes of shooting time
- 5 high resolution images with print rights (to be delivered after Valentine's Day)
The opportunity to purchase discounted print packages will be available on site after your session. If ordered on the day of the session, prints will be delivered in time for Valentine's Day! Prints from this session are an awesome gift option for family and loved ones!
*Session is for children only.
*Price is listed before sales tax.
*Due to limited availability, the session fee is non-refundable. A credit will be issued in event of emergency if informed up to 24 hours before session.
There are 8 time slots on the morning of Thursday, February 2.
Best of 2015 /
2015 was year of life-changing opportunities, decisions and events culminating in the most momentous year of my life to date. In month 1, Joseph asked me to marry him in 35 degree weather on top of a mountain in West Texas. In month 3, I was approached and offered the job as a full time, editorial and product photographer for a start-up company. In month 5, I found out I was going to have a baby nephew and became the mother of a GSD puppy named Juniper. In month 9, I married the love of my life in my favorite town, Marfa, TX. In month 10, I traveled to Nicaragua to document the drilling and installation of a water well with Living Water International. And all the while, every weekend, I was shooting. I was entering the homes of strangers during the most delicate and miraculous times of their lives, and walking out of their homes as friends. I was encouraging families to hold each other a little closer and make each other laugh a little harder and capturing their joy along the way. In month 12, I made the decision that I was ready to become a full time entrepreneur and turn my passion into my full time job. And shortly after the calendar page turned, that decision became a reality.
I couldn't feel more blessed to call this my career and work with the people I do. To my clients, there are too many of you to list by name, but you know who you are. Thank you for your endless patience, and support of my work, it means more to me than I can ever express. Thank you for trusting me with these milestones in your lives, many of you, for several years. Thank you for your random texts showing me updates of your babies' lives, for meeting me for lunches and encouraging me to pursue this full time and for your countless referrals. This post is a collection of some of my favorite moments that I had the privilege of turning into keepsakes for each of you. You are all beautiful and kind and genuine, and I couldn't feel luckier to be your photographer.
Cate + Mimi /
Sweetest sisters you ever did see.
Goossen Family /
One of my favorite parts of this job is getting to see a family grow over the months and years. I first met the Goossens a couple years ago when little Lilly was only a few days old. We've shot together several times since then, and every session we have ends up being my favorite. So much magic around this incredibly cool family. After a long construction process, their new house was complete and this was our first session in the space they now call home. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites moments with these beautiful people.
Little Bit Outfitters /
When the super talented Nicole, of Little Bit Outfitters, contacted me about sending over some of her adorable handmade loafers and moccasins, I responded with an enthusiastic YES! After a quick glance at her Instagram feed (@littlebitoutfitters) and scroll through her website, I was in love and I knew it was a product all of my clients needed to know about. Her children's line of shoes come in a variety of textiles including suede, chambray, and leather. And a range of solid colors and patterns in polka dot, floral, leopard print, and stripes (priced at $19). My cutie baby nephew Jake came to visit a few weeks ago and was the perfect model for these adorable Onyx Stripe Leather + Rust Suede Loafers. You can also find her black and white striped covers on the site, and they're on sale for $16! Check out the full product line at littlebitoutfitters.com to find the perfect pair for your little one's next big event or even just everyday adorableness.
Monica + John William /
Sometimes I love a moment in a session so much that it deserves its own blog post. This is one such a moment. Everyday I'm more in awe of the power and beauty of motherhood. To all the moms out there, thanks for loving so hard.
Correll Family /
The Corrells are the kind of people you hope to be your neighbor and would feel lucky to call your friend. Their Southern hospitality and charm emanated from the moment they opened the door for our session and I knew instantly that it would be a great one. The sun was out to play that day and newborn baby Charley was in calm spirits, as many babies with toddler siblings tend to be. Charley's bundle of smiles, and mirror image of her father, sister, Kennerly, greeted me just inside with a colorful sticker that I wore for the entire session (and realized I was still wearing at a restaurant later that day). We spent the next several hours bouncing from one soft surface or sunny spot to the next, with a myriad of sweet moments frozen along the way. Below are a collection of my favorites, I hope you enjoy them too.
Julie Thomas /
As I sit in the sundrenched Kraftsmen Baking, at 10:30 am, on a Monday, I can’t help but feel overcome with happiness and gratitude for this next phase in my life. As my incredibly patient clients know, until 5 days ago, I was not a full-time photographer. I went to a day job 40 hours a week and did my portrait work on the weekends. Fitting in editing every night and every free moment of my weekends. I recently accepted another full time position, but this one is as a photographer. So I am officially a full-time, career photographer, and that is one of the coolest feelings I’ve experienced in my life to date. Photography began as a hobby for me, quite by accident. And continued as such for several years until two pivotal people came into my life. My fiancé Joseph, being the first and Julie Thomas, being the second. Joseph had a profound affect and influence on who I was as a photographer and businesswoman, and Julie almost single-handedly changed the trajectory of my career. And today, Julie is the subject of this post.
If you’re my client, or you know my work, there’s a great chance you also know Julie. Whether she’s your close personal friend, acquaintance, or just a friend of a friend, people just know her. It’s remarkable. I lovingly refer to her as the Kevin Bacon of my business, the 6 degrees of Julie Thomas. It’s a real thing. She's like that girl in high school that you wanted to sit next to at the cafeteria, just hoping some of her effortlessness and cool will rub off on you too. That girl that always has the prettiest highlights, newest lip gloss, and knows where to get the best deal on designer shoes. If Julie recommends something, you just trust that's it's great. She's a connector with an infectious personality, along with also being so, so naturally beautiful. I first worked with the Thomas Family a couple years ago, and I remember being nervous walking in to their lovely home. Julie and I had exchanged emails prior to the session, so I knew she had a distinct vision for our shoot, and I prayed so hard that I would be able to deliver. There was something special about this family and I knew it the instant her smiling face appeared at the front door. The nerves melted away and we proceeded to have one of the most fun shoots in my memory. The Thomas’ are just awesome and if you know them, you know that. After that day, things just... accelerated. Julie became my biggest cheerleader and promoter, and before the end of the month, I had more inquiries than I had time to fill, music to the ears of any entrepreneur. Over that next year, the little side hobby bloomed into something legitimate in my mind, something that actually seemed possible to make a career from, pay bills from, live from. And that day is today. As I sit in this sunny cafe in the middle of the work day instead of a dark office doing work that didn't make me happy, I'm overwhelmed with this realization. So to Julie, I’m eternally grateful. Thank you for being such a kind, positive and supportive presence in my business and life. You are quite simply, the best.

Ordner Family // Lifestyle Newborn // Katy, TX /
Oh my goodness. How I loved this shoot and working with this sweet family. Cristy and Eric are past wedding clients of my fiancé, Joseph, so I'd seen their wedding photos and portraits so frequently that I felt like I knew them before even arriving on the day of their shoot. When I set out to leave that day, Joseph told me, "They're really photogenic and really nice. It's going to be great." He couldn't have been more right, on all accounts. Not only were Cristy, Eric and their newest addition, Layla, all really good looking - they also were all so lovely to spend the morning with. Even baby Layla didn't cry once in 3 hours! Cristy had seen how I occasionally incorporate pets into the family shoot, and had a special request for their beloved boxer to make an appearance. He was so calm and gentle throughout, he even fell asleep with the baby laying against his stomach. I've never seen anything like it. I hope you enjoy this peek into the Ordner Family's first days as a new family!

Braziel Family // Lifestyle Newborn // Kingwood, TX /
"Touch has a memory." - John Keats
Wang Family // Holiday // The Heights, Houston, TX /
Marco is one of my favorite people and is also one of the most multi-talented photographers I know. This shoot was a bit intimidating. But it was also so much fun! After a session of splatter painting a Christmas canvas and each other, these shots in the leaves wrapped our session. And were the best of the day. Marco, thanks for letting me capture your gorgeous family.
Mays Family // Holiday // Houston, TX /
How beautiful are these people? For real though.
Ellie + Jessie // One year // Oklahoma City, OK /
I flew to Oklahoma City last weekend to do a very special photo shoot with one of my dearest college friends and her family. We caught little Ellie's attention (with help from her mom's shiny necklace) long enough to get these lovely shots in the house library. These are distinctively warmer than I normally edit, but it seemed appropriate for the light and mood in these shots. I had the hardest time choosing which of these to share on my social media, so I decided to post all three here! Love these two pretties.
Tripp // 2 years // Pearland, TX /
Little Lady Blake // 6 months // Houston, TX /
This sweet little babe is one of my favorite subjects. Working full time means blog posts are usually much delayed, so little lady is now closer to one than six months, but I needed to share some of my favorites from our session. The kiss from her Cavalier King Charles puppy brother, Tucker, is probably one of my greatest shots as a photographer. Gotta love good timing and a fast shutter.
Popp Family // Holiday Family // Houston, TX /
This family is so very dear to me. I've known Amy since our glory days promoting downtown when our work was peppered with fashion shows, Four Seasons breakfast meetings, the finest champagne and lots of laughter. It was near the end of those days that Amy started to grow her family from two to three and she kindly asked me to be their family photographer. I'd never taken photos of a baby before. I'd barely taken photos of people in general. I was still shooting on semi-automatic, only had one lens and thought sunset was the only time of day that anyone could shoot, period. But she and her sweet husband, Steve, gave me a chance and their pretty faces launched my career in family photography. Their family has since grown from three to four and I feel so lucky to have captured this growth over the years. Without giving too much away, here is a quick preview into their holiday session that I couldn't be more in love with. To the Popps, thanks for being so special, I truly can't thank you enough.

Ashley // Session within a session // Family + Maternity // Houston, TX /
Awhile back, I made the choice not to do maternity sessions for the foreseeable future and have been turning them down ever since. But when I showed up for Ashley's family photo shoot and found out she was 7 months along, we couldn't resist having a little mini maternity session within her family shoot. She was too pretty and the light was too perfect. This lady defines the pregnancy "glow".